Membership information
Annual Membership renewals (current members)
Our Constitution
New Membership applications
Annual Membership renewal (current members)
Annual Membership is renewable on 1 October each year with an online submission of the Membership renewal form and payment of the annual fee of $20 per member.
DIRECT DEPOSIT: Bank of Queensland Account Name: Friends of Buddina Ltd
BSB: 124 001
A/C: 2298 8382
Please include your surname & initials (or Surname & first name) with your payment, thank you.
Our Constitution
Friends of Buddina Ltd is a not-for-profit public company limited by guarantee, which is established to be, and to continue as, a charity (defined in clause 2 of our Constitution).
The company’s object is to pursue the following charitable purposes (defined in clause 6 of our Constitution):
Advocate on land use planning to ensure there is ecologically sustainable development that avoids inappropriate development in areas of conservation value at Buddina and adjoining coastal beaches.
Monitor planning issues relating to medium and high-density development applications that are submitted to Council and make submissions on any applications likely to have significant impacts on the natural environment at Buddina beach on the Sunshine Coast.
Encourage community engagement about social, economic, environmental outcomes of land use development issues impacting the natural assets at Buddina and adjoining coastal beaches.
Work to protect the ecosystems and biodiversity of Buddina from the negative impacts of intensification of land use development and other issues caused by population growth along the coastal corridor.
Advocate on issues, such as the protection of the endangered Loggerhead turtle and protection of nesting habitat along Buddina and adjoining beaches.
New Membership applications
Who can be a member (defined in clause 11 of our Constitution)
A person who supports the purposes of the company is eligible to apply to be a member of the company under clause 12.
In this clause, ‘person’ means an individual or incorporated body.
How to apply to become a member (defined in clause 12 of our Constitution)
A person (as defined in clause 11.2) may apply to become a member of the company by submitting a membership application form to the secretary, which requires that they:
a. support the purposes of the company,
b. agree to comply with the company’s constitution, including paying the guarantee under clause 4 if required, and
c. renew their membership annually by submitting a membership renewal form to the secretary with payment of the annual membership fee.
2. The annual membership fee and renewal date and for each membership are:
a. the amount decided by the members, from time to time, at a general meeting,
b. is payable for a period of 12 months in advance from the membership renewal date,
c. is non-refundable when a person stops being a member, and
d. the renewal date is decided by the members at a general meeting
Membership approval and register - applies to new members only (defined in clause 13 of our Constitution)
The directors must consider an application for membership within a reasonable time after the secretary receives the application.
If the directors approve an application, the secretary must as soon as possible:
a. enter the new member on the register of members,
b. write to the applicant to tell them that their application was approved, and the date that their membership started...
For new Members, the Membership Application form is available here (click to view)
For current Members, Membership Renewals are completed on-line
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